Tuesday, May 7, 2024

REVIEW: The Intuition Toolkit by Joel Pearson

  In "The Intuition Toolkit: The New Science of Knowing What without Knowing Why," Joel Pearson, a leading Australian neuroscientist, provides practical advice to people who seek  guidance when it comes to decision making. Pearson shares five practical guidelines for cultivating intuition, which is backed by scientific research. In the book, the author emphasizes that while some individuals naturally use intuition more than others, everyone can develop and trust their own intuitive abilities. He provides five essential rules for harnessing one's intuition, summed up by the acronym SMILE: Self-awareness, Mastery, Impulses and Addiction, Low Probability and Environment.  Pearson uses numerous stories that underscore the scientific foundation, accessibility, and intrigue of intuitive understanding. This is just like any other self-help book, you get out of it what you want and cannot compare your interpretation of the information presented to other people. The information was thoughtful and Pearson presented it in a way that people can understand and follow.  

Thank you to #NetGalley, the author Joel Pearson and Simon & Schuster Australia for a digital copy of #TheIntuitionToolkit in exchange for my honest opinion.

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