Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Review: Bless 1 by Yukino Sonoyama

In this YA manga, Aia, a model-gorgeous high school student with a talent for makeup and classmate Jun, a pretty, shy and quiet girl team up to organize a school fashion show. Throughout the story, Jun builds up her confidence while Aia continues to master and turn his love for makeup into an art form.

This is a cute story with lovable characters, you want to root for. Although it seems that the transitions “between scenes” were awkward this did not overshadow the central themes. The artwork was stunning. 

Mangas and comics do have themes and Bless 1 demonstrates that confidence and pursuing one's dreams and passions is key to a happy life. Also that self-confidence especially during the teenage years can really have an impact on one's future. I liked that Bless 1 did not stick to traditional gender roles. It shows Aia, a boy doing and loving something that is normally associated with girls, makeup. This should be applauded. Some of the best makeup artists in real life are men. I would read subsequent installments of Bless. 

Thank you to #NetGalley, the author Yukino Sonoyama and Kodansha Comics for a digital copy of #Bless in exchange for my honest opinion.

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