Tuesday, July 23, 2024

REVIEW: City Bird by Vinet and Harrison


If you enjoy reading about birds or bird watching you will enjoy this charming exploration of urban birds. City Bird: Explore the Charming Metropolitan Melodies of Our Feathered Friends by Angela Harrison Vinet and Janis Hatten Harrison beautifully blends scientific insights with lyrical prose.  It captures the essence of how many birds adapt to and thrive in urban environments. This graphic novel or dare I say picture book is enriched with vivid descriptions and stunning illustrations, making it both an informative and aesthetically pleasing read. I think if the authors added a little bit of scientific background information such as scientific name, genus, range etc., it would have enhanced the experience and added to the reference guide aspect of the book. Through their engaging narrative, Vinet and Harrison inspire a deeper appreciation for these avian inhabitants of many bustling cities. This book is a must-read for urban bird enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

Thank you to #NetGalley, the authors Angela Harrison Vinet and Janis Hatten Harrison – Quarto Publishing Group – becker & mayer for a digital copy of #CityBird in exchange for my honest opinion.

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