The first installment in The Beast Player is a captivating fantasy manga that immerses readers into a richly imagined world filled with unique creatures and intricate politics. The story follows Elin, a young girl and her mother, the "Beast Doctor," who have a mysterious connection to ancient beasts known as Toda.
As Elin navigates the complexities of her world, she learns more about her mother's gifts and starts to discover secrets that will challenge her understanding of her world and identity. The political structure constructed by the author is quite interesting. Especially the relationship and use of the Toda.
Overall, the first volume is a compelling start to what I hope to be an engrossing series. I look forward to seeing Elin not only develop as a character but also as a skilled practitioner to honor the memory of her mother. If you enjoy immersive fantasy worlds and strong, relatable protagonists, then you'll enjoy this series.
Thank you to #NetGalley and the author for a digital copy of #TheBeastPlayer in exchange for my honest opinions.
3 - 3.5🌟
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